EdJAM Regional Conference in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
EdJAM Regional Conference | February 12th to February 16th
The Looking Glass was presented at the Education, Justice, and Memory Network regional conference held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. In collaboration with the Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center, we spoke about teaching the violent past, resistance from within and outside the state apparatus, and how memory is practised across different social spaces. We had the opportunity to meet partners of the EdJAM Network from Cambodia, the UK, Palestine, Jordan, DRC, Netherlands, Uganda, South Africa, and Jamaica.
GASP Conference at Cardiff University

The Gender and Sexualities Research Group Seminar @ Cardiff
We had the opportunity to host a seminar about decolonising methodologies and how we built an awareness of positionality, reflexivity and empowering participation in our project with the GASP group at Cardiff University. We showcased the protocol that we designed to challenge the inherent colonial categorisations embedded in conventional research practice.